A simple pastebin powered by FastAPI.

paste is Fully Free and Open-Source Source Code.

Web Form: https://paste.fosscu.org/web


POST: https://paste.fosscu.org/paste

Send the raw data along. Will respond with a link to the paste.

Pasting is heavily rate limited.

GET: https://paste.fosscu.org/paste/<id>

Retrieve the paste with the given id as plain-text.

DELETE: https://paste.fosscu.org/paste/<id>

Delete the paste with the given id.


cURL: Paste a file named 'file.txt'

curl -X POST -F "file=@file.txt" https://paste.fosscu.org/file

cURL: Paste from stdin

echo "Hello, world." | curl -X POST -F "file=@-" https://paste.fosscu.org/file

cURL: Delete an existing paste

curl -X DELETE https://paste.fosscu.org/paste/<id>

Shell function:

function paste() {
      local file=${1:-/dev/stdin}
      curl -X POST -F "file=@${file}" https://paste.fosscu.org/file
A shell function that can be added to .bashrc or .bash_profle or .zshrc for quick pasting from the command line. The command takes a filename or reads from stdin if none was supplied and outputs the URL of the paste to stdout:
paste file.txt